Like Adrie, the lovely girl that nominated me for this thing, I didn't know what on earth it was. Now that I do I can tell y'all: It's an award for bloggers that have less than 200 followers. I felt really touched that she liked my blog enough to nominate it for this, so thanks, Adrie. :)
The Rules:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and make a post about the liebster award.
2. Write 11 interesting things about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
4. Nominate 11 other bloggers (under 200 followers) and notify who you have nominated.
5. Write 11 questions for your nominees.
11 Facts About Me
- I have been a vegetarian since I was 8 years old. I am now 21.
- I have three dogs. All are mutts, all are rescues.
- I have an older brother (3 years older) who is a percussionist.
- I speak English (obviously), French, and Spanish.
- If you count gibberish as a language, I also speak gibberish and can use it with French and Spanish as well. (It’s kind of like pig latin).
- I don’t like it when people touch my face. It just freaks me out.
- I work in a beauty store as a Sales Associate makeup artist and skincare consultant. It’s local and family owned (not my family, however). We sell more hard to find makeup and skincare (the quality of Sephora, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, etc).
- I’m a quarter Japanese, 1/8 German and 1/8 Italian, and half South African.
- I am a university student. I double major; I study Romance Languages and Literatures (French and Spanish) and International Studies (Comparative Culture and Identity). I'm in Paris right now for five months, but before January I studied in Spain for four months, and I studied 6 weeks before that in France (Grenoble, not Paris).
- At my university I belong to the squirrel club. We go around and feed the already people-ized squirrels on campus.
- I am super good at whistling. Like really good. Haha I also enjoy singing, and even though I’ve since quit, I used to play violin and was in a Grammy award-winning orchestra in high school.
Adrie’s Questions:
- What is your favourite makeup/skin brand? Makeup: Trish McEvoy Skincare: Tata Harper (If I have to just choose one in each category...)
- What can't you leave your house without? Lip balm. I hate feeling like I have dry lips.
- Favourite subject in school? Translation. It’s like a fun game to me, but it’s the hardest thing ever. I love the challenge.
- Favourite musical artist? So many, but I love the Beatles, Belle and Sebastian, Explosions in the Sky, Of Monsters and Men, Queen, etc etc
- Most played song on your iTunes? Boulevard of Broken Dreams... I think that was the first song I had ever downloaded on iTunes when I was 12, and I had to cycle through it billions of times because I had nothing else to listen to.
- What kind of phone do you have? iPhone 5s
- What is your favourite colour? Probably green. But I love the combo of blue and orange (next to eachother - combined they would be brown...)
- What is your most used social network? Facebook or instagram.
- As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A doctor, then an environmental lawyer. Now I just want to be in beauty.
- Something you once obsessed/fangirled over. American Girl dolls and Panic! At the Disco.
- Dream Job? Anything in beauty. I’d love to be a makeup artist or the creative director of a makeup/skincare brand. Or I’d just like to swap lives with Lisa Eldridge. Please?
My Nominees
My Questions:
- What are your biggest pest peeves? It’s okay, rant it out.
- If you got stranded on a desert island (and you already have your phone, pocket knife, matches, ropes, fresh water, basic survival things with you), what one beauty product would you bring?
- If you could only use one brand of makeup for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- Who’s your hero and why?
- When you go out to eat or to a bar, what beverage do you usually order?
- If you had to live anywhere outside of the country you live in now, which country would it be and why?
- What piece of advice would you give to your 15 year old self?
- What’s your favorite desert?
- Dream pet? Even if it’s illegal...
- If you could raid a celebrity’s closet, whose would it be?
- What’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you?
Thanks again, Adrie!
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