Friday, June 15, 2012

Lush Lust: Dirty shower gel, hair styling cream, shaving cream, toothy tabs, and cologne review

I was able to get one of those Dirty sampler boxes when the Dirty line first came out at Lush about a year ago or more. I love Lush sampler boxes so much, as they’re such a great deal and an amazing way to discover new Lush products. Unfortunately, I only was able to find one product that I truly loved from my box, as the Dirty line is supposed to be more for men.
The Dirty shower gel is probably one of my favorite products from Lush in general. It made my skin so smooth (soothed my KP and everything) and good smelling. It smells so fresh and nostalgic: it reminds me of the pool and just amazing summer days. The lather is also fantastic, and I had the smallest size for about three months, even using it everyday. The scent lasts on the skin, too. Lush says you can use it as a shampoo, but I didn’t try that. I would only do that if you had oilier hair or were a guy with short hair. For my thick, long hair, I’d want something more moisturizing (like Godiva! Yum). Also, when I do use shower gel in my hair (I used It’s Raining Men for a bit), I find I have to use more product to get a lather. Anyway, this product is amazing for boys and girls alike. Sadly, it’s just expensive. ($9.95 for 3.3 oz, $17.95 for the 8.8 oz bottle, and $27.95 for the big 16.9 oz bottle).
Dirty Hair Cream
The set also had the hair cream in it. I didn’t like it at all. The scent was too strong, and it made my hair feel stiff and waxy, completely unmovable. It might work for flyways or something in small amounts, or be better for short guy hair, but I ended up giving that away. (Heh if I have something I don’t like, I leave it in the dorm bathroom with a sign that says “take,” and it magically disappears... At least someone’s enjoying it, right?). ($14.95 per 3.5 oz tub).
Dirty shaving cream
The sampler came with the Dirty shave cream as well. I have no clue how a guy could use this on his face. I could barely stand it on my legs. It smelled of lavender, which is nice, but it was too strongly perfumed to put on your facial skin, I think. This stuff made my legs feel nice and moisturized, and I got a nice shave, but this clogs the razor like CRAZY. It’s messy, gets all up in your drain, and has a ton of greasy residue that was sort of okay for legs, but if I were an acne-prone man, I’d stay away. You also have to use a ton of product. Not worth it. ($12.95 for 3.5 oz tub).
Dirty toothy tabs
Now, the concept of solid toothpaste is absolutely genius! You don’t have to worry about liquids in a carry on, and the packaging is recyclable. You just pop one tab in your mouth, chew, and brush. However, you won’t like these tabs unless you can stand the taste of baking soda, which I can’t (to me it tastes like vomit). However, the baking soda cleansed my teeth really well, and I think it fought stains. It also foams amazingly! A con aside from the baking soda taste is the perfume taste. At first, it tastes like you’re eating soap. Not fun. The vomit taste is just the after taste... Also, be careful. These tabs have citric acid in them, which wears at tooth enamel. Oops... So these probably aren’t a good long term toothpaste. Maybe just a weekend trip kind of thing to pack. The Dirty Toothy Tabs are also more expensive ($3.95 per box) than the average big tube of toothpaste that I’m sure lasts longer.
The last little guy in the set was a sample of the Dirty perfume. This is a guy scent afterall, so I didn’t like it for me. It’s not as light as the shower gel. It’s a very heavy, manly scent that is very long lasting. Dirty is supposed to be for guys and girls, but maybe not the most feminine of women. I tried it on, thought I smelled like a guy, and then gave it away first chance I got. I gave it to my best friend (who's a guy), and he didn't like it. I was at his house the other day though and gave this another sniff, and it was kind of addicting. I couldn't stop smelling it. It had that same note  of "pool" that I love in the shower gel. It's just surrounded by much stronger notes. You can definitely smell the lavender and mint in this. ($29.95 for the atomizer, $9.95 for the solid).

Basically, get the shower gel whether you are a guy or girl, stay away from the shaving cream unless you’re okay with clogged razors and pores, hair cream only if you like it stiff... get your mind out of the gutter, toothpaste is good for travel but it might wear your enamel and taste like soap and vomit, cologne: guys only.

What do you think of the Dirty line?
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