The T Tree Toner Tab from Lush is supposed to be for oily, spotty skin. I got one of these toner tabs because I wanted to try a Lush toner for my skin type but didn’t want to splash out on the bottled kind. One of these little guys is just $1.95, as opposed to the big bottle of toner (which I did decide to get in the end) for $19.95 (or the small bottle for $8.95).
A con of this product is that it does cost $1.95 per use. You drop the tab into super duper hot water, and it fizzes away like a bath bomb. After steaming your face (you sit over the bowl with a towel over your head for a bit) you can bottle this up and store it in your fridge for a while ( I used it for about a week before I forgot to put it back in the fridge and then had to dump it out) and continue to use it as a toner.
I don’t think I’ll buy this product again. It was one of those things that’s a huge hassle to use. You have to boil the water, carry it upstairs to your bathroom while trying not to burn yourself, sit over it on the floor for a while in the dark, and get suffocated. No, this obviously won’t kill you, but I found when I first dropped the tab in while I was under the towel, the aroma came up my lungs so strongly with the steam I had to come out from the towel. By doing that, the steam escaped, and then I never got a good steaming. So my pores never really opened to release my blackheads, which defeats the purpose.
I used this tab in a bowl so that way I could salvage the toner in a bottle after the steaming session. The thing is, this toner isn’t that potent because it’s so diluted in a bowl full of water. You still have to dump out a lot of the toning solution down the drain, because you can’t save this toner indefinitely and use it all up. You have to toss it after about a week. When I used it as a toner later, it wasn’t concentrated, and I hated having to run downstairs to get it to and from the fridge.
I wouldn’t get the toner tabs again, even though they are cheap. But I am excited to try my bottle toner, which I’ll get way more than a week’s use out of.
Have you tried the toner tabs? Did you have a better experience?
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