As you probably know, Lush has some very interesting products. They really love to cut down on packaging because it’s a lot better for the environment (even recyclable packaging requires energy to recycle). Because Lush is so environmentally friendly, they have a lot of solid “naked” products with no packaging, such as their soaps, solid shampoos, body butters, and their massage bars.
I think the massage bars are such special products. They melt into a moisturizing oil when you rub them in your hands, perfect for giving someone a massage, rubbing onto yourself as a moisturizer, leg shine, and combatant for stretch marks. I know some people use these as bath melts as well (cutting off a tiny piece to throw in the tub).
I’ve been using mine after my shower at night to moisturize my stomach down (I find them a bit too oily for upper body), and I use them on my legs when I’m wearing shorts and want them to look their best. Since the massage bars are oily, when I use them at night, sometimes I’ll sprinkle my Vanilla Puff Dusting Powder over the areas I’ve moisturized to absorb some oil. I then wash my hands and use a hand lotion.
I also give my friends massages from time to time, and I like to use these versus regular massage oil, because it’s much easier to warm this up and then put it back in the tin than to use a bottle and get the bottle all oily while you’re working. Also, Lush has more scents that are more special, I think, than your average massage oil. My friends always enjoy their experience (feel and scent), but then again they are getting a free hour-long massage... :P What’s also great about these, is that the oil draws blackheads out of my friends’ backs while I’m massaging them. (I’ll feel the blackheads rolling around during the massage, which I don’t mind). I tell my friends to take a shower after to wash off the cocoa butter (because that will clog pores), so they have a nice blackhead free back after I’m done with them.
I have two different massage bars that I purchased before going to Italy last year. I wanted to take them so I’d have a solid lotion in my carry on. The solid Lush products in general are amazing for travel (especially the shampoos). I got two, because at the time, if you bought two of the massage bars, solid shampoos, or body butters, you’d get a tin free. I have Each Peach and Strawberry Feels.

Each Peach (and Two’s a Pair): This massage bar smells amazing: exactly like Pez candy. It’s so citrusy and fantastic. You’d think it would smell like peach, but that’s just the name. I wish Lush would come out with a peach scented product though... I also like the shape and design of Each Peach. The design’s gorgeous: a flowery branch, and the shape of it fits perfectly into the massage bar tin. ($9.95/2.2 oz)

Strawberry Feels Forever: Another fantastic smelling bar. It smells like vanilla/berry and is deeper than you’d think. While Each Peach is more refreshing, zingy, and vibrant, this is more sexy and creamy. It’s also made with fresh strawberries. The one I have isn’t and wasn’t as pink as the ones they’re selling now. (My massage bars are more than a year old, so they’re expired, but I still use them no problem. They’re solid, so I don’t think they really expire anyway, just dry out a bit. Another great thing about the solids is that they don’t need preservatives. I also like Strawberry Feels even better now that it’s expired, because the smell isn’t as potent and doesn’t irritate my mother, who hates scents and gets mad at me when I wear them, but anyway..). A downside to this is the shape. Even though you get more product than the oval bars, you can’t fit the funny shaped ones in the tins. I’d rather they shaped the funny ones into ovals and lowered the prices so I could fit them in my tin. I had to use this one strategically (wearing it down in different areas) in order to fit it in the tin as opposed to storing it in a plastic bag, which gets kind of messy. ($9.95/2.6 oz)
A con about these is that once they get thinner, they break when you use them. My Each Peach snapped in half the other day, then in fourths, etc. Strawberry Feels did that to me, too.
Just a note about the pricing and buying these: I know a lot of people like to order Lush from the UK site as opposed to the US site. This is because the UK site is cheaper for certain products. However, massage bars are actually more expensive to order from the UK site last time I checked. I worked out the conversion from the pound to the USD. So don’t put these in your order from the UK site, just get the massage bars at your nearest Lush store.
I hope this was helpful. Please give these a try! They’re great.
Have you tried the massage bars? Do you have a favorite?
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