I am such a huge fan of Lush soaps. They make my skin feel so amazing (smoothing down my KP), smell so good, and lather so well. They all are different though: some don’t lather as well as the others, etc. Just a tip for Lush soaps: use a soap saver! It will save you money and headache, as it keeps your soap from melting and helps it last longer. I don’t cut my soaps up, because I find that actually wastes it. When I use the whole bar with my scrubby towel, I have to work less hard to get a good lather, which saves me product in the end.

Figs and Leaves: I love this soap so much. It has a lovely, light floral smell that lingers on the skin, and reminds me of this one Hermes perfume or cologne that a friend of mine wears. It also smells like Dorothy bubble bar, which is just divine. It has fig seeds in it, which neither bother or help me (Lush says they’re supposed to give you a scrub, but I don’t think they make any difference). The leaves kind of get stuck in my scrubby towel, and that’s slightly annoying, but nothing that would stop me from repurchasing this. This soap is so moisturizing, as it has loads of aloe in it, and it’s creamy with a lovely lather. It lasts for a decent amount of time, too. ($8.85/3.5 oz)

Rock Star: I have a love/hate relationship with this soap. I love the smell, but the smell lingers and can get really peppery in a way and strong. It makes me feel a bit nervous when I wear it around other people, because one time I used it to wash my hands and came downstairs, and my mom’s friend was there, and she had this huge coughing fit. I don’t want to kill anyone with the way I smell. Sometimes the smell even irritates my lungs. The soap lathers well, but it kind of makes me feel rubbery, and it dries my skin out. I would not repurchase this. It smells just like Creamy Candy bubble bar, by the way.($9.45/3.5 oz)

Sea Vegetable: This is one of my favorite soaps ever. It has a lovely lime and lavender smell, which is fresh but relaxing at the same time. It makes my skin so smooth and doesn’t dry me out. It’s also beautiful looking. The seaweed doesn’t bother me also. It lasts a long time. I would repurchase this again and again. ($9.30/3.5 oz)

Karma: I got this is in one of the soap stacks with HIWTK, and I washed my hands with this once and never used it again. The smell lingers, and the smell is so gross. I gave it to my dad because he didn’t mind the smell, but he gave it away later because he didn’t like the smell on him or in the shower. It’s a spicy, citrusy scent that’s loaded with patchouli. Nasty. Sorry if you like this, but I can’t stand the smell. I have no clue how it’s a best seller for Lush. Maybe the smell grows on some people? ($9.45/3.5 oz)

Sandstone: Another favorite from Lush. It smells exactly of LemonHeads (the candy). I could do without the sand because I use my scrubby towel anyway. This makes my skin so smooth, as all the Lush citrus-y soaps do, and you can smell it on yourself all day. This stuff makes me so happy. Repurchase and have it for a long time (my piece lasted forever). ($8.75/3.5oz)

Ice Blue: I like this soap, but I can’t say I’d buy it again for sure. It’s a bit drying, and while it does make your skin smooth, it leaves a manly after-scent on your skin. Sort of aftershave-y. If you’re a guy, you might like this. It lasts a long time and lathers well, too. ($7.00/3.5 oz)

Honey I Washed the Kids: The scent of this is fantastic. So amazing. This is a favorite as well. I got this as the other half of my soap stack with Karma, so it didn’t have the beeswax topper on it, which I can do without, but some people can’t. It’s very moisturizing with a rich lather. It doesn’t last as long as other soaps, which is slightly disappointing. I love the shower gel version of the scent, It’s Raining Men as well. I would repurchase. ($9.45/3.5 oz)

Sultana of Soap: Another favorite! This made my skin so soft and smooth (moisturized and helped my KP), and it smells divine and slightly berry-ish and nutty, just like Blackberry bath bomb. The lather is so rich and creamy, and the actual bar lasts a long time. A lot of people don’t like the chunks at the top, and I don’t think I would either, but my piece didn’t have a lot in it anyway, and I’m sure you could ask the Lush folks to cut off that part for you before they weigh it. I love this so much. ($7.00/3.5 oz)

Lust: I’ve been trying this out for a couple of days now, and it’s quite lovely. It’s made my skin so smooth. If I was raving enough about my CVS cleansing wash, that doesn’t even come close to the Lush soaps (it’s just cheaper and multi-tasking) when it comes to smoothing down my KP. Lust soap doesn’t smell as strongly of jasmine as the perfume, which is slightly disappointing, but it has a softer more soapy smell that’s still very nice, too. It doesn’t linger on the skin though. It’s a very pink bar, which gets all over my scrubby towel but rinses away. The lather is very rich and creamy, not necessarily foamy, and my sample is lasting me a while. It makes some soap scum, but I’d just use it shower only, not in the bath. I think I might buy this eventually. ($9.25/3.5 oz)

Demon in the Dark: This is a lovely soap. Very minty, like toothpaste but in a good way, (you can’t detect the apple in it) and refreshing, also smoothing with a good lather. The only things I don’t like about it are the chunks at the bottom and the black wax it’s covered in. You don’t really use those, but you’re still paying for them, and they’re just annoying to get off or work through when you’re using the soap. I wouldn’t repurchase for me for sure, but my dad liked it, so I might get this for him one day. Also, don’t use it in the bath, as with a lot of the Lush soaps, but this one especially, because it generates quite a bit of soap scum. ($9.40/3.5oz)

The Godmother: One of my favorites EVER. It smells exactly of Swedish Fish. I could’t love this more. The bar lasts a long time, the lather’s good, it’s soothing and smoothing, and makes me smell divine. Yummm. ($6.75/3.5 oz)

Miranda: Another favorite... heh they’re all starting to seem that way, but I can’t help it! This is so creamy and moisturizing. It makes my skin soft and smooth, and it smells so heavenly and fruity. I could sit and smell this all day. Doesn’t last as long as the others, but it doesn’t disappear or anything. It says it has scrubby bits in it, but again, not enough to do anything for me as far as exfoliation goes. I like it rough. ($7.95/3.5 oz)

Sexy Peel: Not a soap I’d repurchase. It made my skin nice and smooth, but no better than some other Lush soaps. The chunks of peels in it were annoying for me, too. It smells very citrusy, but not in a good way like Sandstone or Bohemian. It smells more like a bathroom cleaner. Lathers well and lasts a long time though. ($7.00/3.5 oz)

Bohemian: I love this soap so much. Again, it worked wonders for my KP. It has a true lemon scent and also helps with body acne. The lather’s great, and it lasts long. This is a staple in any citrus lover’s collection. Just beware of soap scum in the tub. I would repurchase. ($8.75/3.5 oz)
I got the prices from the Lush times, which is not always the same as the store or online price. So just keep that in mind please! Hopefully this was helpful. What may work for me might not work for you, and the other way around. I didn’t review all the soaps I’ve tried because some have been discontinued, sadly. Also, a general trend I've noticed is that the clear soaps (not the creamy ones you can't see light through) last longer than the opaque soaps, which tend to be more moisturizing.
What’s your favorite Lush soap?
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