The idea of the Lush Body Butter is that if you can’t be bothered to put on lotion or body oil after your bath or shower, you can just use a body butter at the end of your shower (in the shower), rinse it off, and when you hop out of the shower you’re already moisturized. They really work. I think they’re great moisturizers, exfoliators, and time savers. The only thing I don’t like about them is the price for how long they last. They kind of tend to disappear after a couple weeks max with daily use. I’ve tried three of the four available now. I keep them in a body butter tin.

Buffy: This is probably Lush’s most popular body butter, and I know they use it in the hand treatment when you go to the Lush store. They have the big size in this one because people love it so much. I actually wasn’t the biggest fan of this. It’s rough and very greasy. The first time I used it, I used it all over my body (arms and everything), and it really aggravated my KP. My body was left unpleasantly greasy. I finished it eventually, but I only used it on my butt and thighs. I will give it this though: this made my thighs look fantastic! I have a little bit of cellulite, not enough to care though, especially because I wear long pants most of the time, and this really helped with that. So I would recommend this if you’re struggling with cellulite. Rub Buffy on the skin in an upwards, circular motion, do NOT press too hard or you could make your cellulite worse. The motion should get everything flowing in those regions and help a lot. A sales associate at Lush recommended this for shaving, and I tried that. It didn’t work that well because of the exfoliating bits. They just clog your razor as well as the cocoa butter. The smell also wasn’t my favorite. It was kind of herbal-y but nauseating. A fake lavender smell if you will. ($11.95/3.3 oz or $22.95/7 oz)

Aqua Mirabilis: This is my favorite body butter that I’ve tried. It’s a great exfoliator, but it’s not anywhere near as scratchy as Buffy. This is also better for my skin, too. I am able to use it all over, arms and everything, and it won’t irritate my KP, and it is NOT GREASY! This turns into a beautiful, milky lotion in the shower, and leaves me so soft and smooth, but with no residue at all. I love this so much. It smells amazing, too. Like almonds and milk? It’s soft, sweet, and lovely. I couldn’t recommend this more highly. ($10.95/3.3 oz)

You Snap the Whip: This is one of my favorite scents from Lush. You Snap smells just like The Comforter! This leaves you moisturized but not as greasy as Buffy. However, I wouldn’t buy it again because it’s very messy. This kind of leaves a slick black residue on you that you have to rinse off very carefully and completely or else it’ll get all over your towels. It also gets stuff in your nooks and crannies, like the armpits... hm. But it smells great. ($10.95/3.3 oz)
Sadly, since I’ve finished these, I haven’t repurchased. I didn’t think they lasted long enough for me to justify spending about $11 for a body scrub/moisturizer. However, in the winter I might repurchase Aqua Mirabilis, because it is the only one that I think is truly enjoyable and effective for me. Buffy, however, might be nice in the summer when you’re showing your legs off and want them to be nice and smooth with less cellulite.
Have you tried the body butters? What do you think?
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