Saturday, July 27, 2013

Review: Klorane Hair Products (Mango + Papyrus)

I think my fascination with the whole Klorane brand began when I visited Paris when I was thirteen. It was in every single pharmacy (still is), and I think I just began to associate it with France.

The first things I've ever tried from Klorane were the Mango Butter shampoo and conditioner.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Red Lips in France

This was my first purchase I made in Grenoble. For some reason, I just really felt like wearing a red lip, so I popped into Sephora and picked this baby up.

Monday, July 22, 2013

French Pharmacy Haul #3

So you know when you go into a store for one really small thing and end up leaving with way more than you intended? That's what happened here. I needed to go to the pharmacy because I ran out of my shower gel, but I ended up walking out with a whole lot of things. I'll just start with the shower gel because it's what I actually went in for.

I got the Caudalie Thé Des Vignes scent this time, as I've already used Fleur de Vigne and Pêche de Vigne. Gotta change it up right? The scent's a little bit deeper than the two mentioned above, and it's just kind of warm and cozy. I really like it, and I have my eye on the perfume...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I can't help myself: more French Pharmacy-ing

Some people spend their money on clothes, some on cars, some on video games, etc. I, however, put my money in beauty. I just love trying different products, giving good recommendations, and of all the things out there in our world, I feel like it's a field in which I'm truly knowledgable. I like feeling knowledgable. Who doesn't?

But there are many burrows in the beauty field.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

June Empties

Long time comin', but here they are. I finished more things than in the video, like little samples and stuff, but ain't nobody got time to watch a twenty minute video. Enjoy!

As far as links go, just use google, please! :)