I got Vanilla Puff Powder last summer when I went to NYC. The sales assistant at Lush told me to use it to top off my deodorant, Aromarant. I found that I didn't really use it for that though. I barely use this, so I probably won't repurchase it, but when I do use it, I use it after my shower at night, putting it on my armpits, on my thighs, on my arms, and a bit on my chest. There are other ways to use it of course
The powder smells heavenly, the same scent as Lush's Vanillary Perfume. I use the solid version of the scent.

This is pretty much the best fragrance ever (in it's category of fragrances... Lust is probably the best scent ever :P). Like the name would suggest, it smells like Vanilla.
I just push up the stick a bit and put it on my wrists. I rub my wrists together and then rub them behind my ears. If I just rub the stick straight on without rubbing it into my skin a bit more, I find it's just balmy and wipes off. Blending it into the skin keeps the product from getting everywhere.
The only criticism I have for the solid perfume is the packaging. It's this push up stick (like my childhood favorite frozen treat, Push-Up-Pops) that doesn't go back down unless you either push it or screw the cap back on, and that leaves product in the cap. I wish they made it a twist-up tube, kind of a chapstick-like deal so you don't have to destroy the product.
Have you tried the solid perfumes or dusting powders from Lush?
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It sounds amazing! I love vanilla scents so I must get my hands on this one. I'm not sure how I feel about solid perfume, though.
Yeah! I really like it! It's a more powdery vanilla, so just keep that in mind. I'd go smell it in store and then see about their liquid perfume version. :D